Our AGM for the financial year 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023 will be held on Wednesday 17 July 2024 at 4:30 pm at Al Manaar, 244 Acklam Road, London W10 5YG

Printed copies of our Annual Report are available for collection from the reception desk at Westway Trust office prior to the AGM. 

The above documents will also be available in hard copy at the meeting, together with a number of background documents and other reading material relevant to the work of Westway Trust.

Reflecting on the suggestions from Members and our own thoughts for how we could make our AGM a better experience for all attendees, we have decided that the AGM this year will focus on the formal business that we are obliged to conduct.

Representatives from member organisations will be invited to submit questions in advance, when registering. Questions should be related only to the financial year under review (April 2022 – March 2023). We will not deal with any matters of a personal or operational nature. The AGM will finish by 5.45pm at the latest.

Earlier in the afternoon there will be an Open Opportunity for anyone to raise matters of a personal nature or matters relating to your organisation. This will take place at UNDR, 3-5 Thorpe Close, London W10 5XL between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. You do not need to register for this session. All senior staff will be available.

After the AGM, all those who registered for the meeting will be welcome to join trustees and staff from 6.00pm – 8.00pm for informal discussions and presentations on open and thematic issues. This will also take place at UNDR, 3-5 Thorpe Close, London W10 5XL. Refreshments will be provided.

In order to ensure that we do not exceed the capacity of Al Manaar for the AGM, all attendees to register in advance.

You are invited to register to attend online. A link to join online will be provided prior to the meeting.
You are also welcome to attend the pre-AGM and post-AGM events at UNDR.

Although the meeting will also be live streamed on YouTube, it is very important to note that, because of technical limitations, it will not be possible to interact in the meeting via this channel. Only those who attend in person will be able to interact live in the meeting, including voting on the Resolutions (unless you have submitted a proxy vote in advance), although everyone will be able to submit questions in advance – details of how to do so are set out below. These questions will then be asked on your behalf in the meeting.

Our previous AGMs

2022 AGM minutes. A live stream of the 2022 AGM (held 25 January 2023) can be viewed below.

Questions asked at the AGM and their written responses can be viewed here.

2021 AGM minutes. A live stream of the 2021 AGM (held 26 January 2022) can be viewed below.

2020 AGM minutes. This AGM was held online only due to the Covid pandemic. A live stream of the 2020 AGM can be viewed below.

2019 AGM minutes. A live stream of the 2019 AGM can be viewed below.

2018 AGM minutes. A live stream of the 2018 AGM can be viewed below.

View the timeline of Westway Trust’s governance history here.