Our vision is sustainable wellbeing in North Kensington in three ways:

Social Wellbeing

For people to feel proud of the area – its heritage, culture and creativity.

Where everyone has the opportunity to be active and healthy, get the skills and qualifications to get on in life and are engaged in a strong community eco-system and have a sense of belonging.


Environmental Wellbeing

An improved public realm, where green space is cherished, protected and enhanced.

Public consciousness of environmental issues heightened and behavior modified. Environmental sustainability at the heart of every development along the 23 acres and high standards sought at every opportunity.


Economic Wellbeing

A flourishing local economy, where many more local people directly benefit as tenants, traders and earners. Local start-ups supported to get on their feet and develop sustainable enterprises; innovation and entrepreneurship is encouraged; and all tenants are playing a part in building a robust local economy. An economically sustainable organisation that raises income to reinvest in, improve and grow the value of the land.