Westway Trust is currently developing a process whereby the community can participate in the decision-making behind Westway’s community investment and grant-making activities. We began developing  a pilot programme in early 2020.

Participatory Grant-making involves a range of different methods and challenges. At its heart, this approach gives greater decision-making power over grants to the communities impacted by funding decisions.

Throughout 2019 and early 2020, we have been running a number of community meetings and events to help us understand the types of programmes or initiatives that local people want funded.

Prior to the Coronavirus pandemic we gained this insight by recruiting 14 people including local residents and staff from local charitable organisations, to form a steering group to take the pilot programme forward. The steering group began co-designing how the fund would work in practice, the application process, and decide how decisions will be made.

Once the nationwide Coronavirus lockdown had begun, the impact suffered within the community meant this pilot had to be re-evaluated. After much deliberation our trustees decided to give this pilot the green light with a re-newed focus on the needs of young people aged 11-18 yrs. After recruiting a new steering group of 10 young people from across North Kensington, this pilot has emerged as an opportunity to provide 11-18 yr. olds in the 5 wards with a chance to be heard, be creative and have fun.

Up to £250 is available for individual applicants. Alternatively, group applications are welcomed. £500 for 2 people in a group. ££750 for 3 people in a group.