Ascentis ESOL Award in Speaking & Listening: Entry 1



Start date:

September 16, 2024

End date:

December 12, 2024


Monday/ Wednesday (Online) / Thursday (in person)


09:30 - 13:35


12 weeks



This course is suitable if you speak a little English and can use the alphabet. The course will help you to improve all your English language skills. You will focus on speaking and listening and take an Entry 1 ESOL Speaking and Listening exam at the end of your course if you are ready.   

Is a pre-enrolment interview or assessment required for this course? 

Yes, you will need to do a pre-course assessment to establish your level of English before enrolling onto the course.  

What level is the course and do I require particular skills, experience or prior qualifications? 

This is an Entry 1 level course. Before you can enrol, you will need to have an assessment with one of our initial assessors to make sure the course is suitable for you.  

What topics does the course cover? 

You will practise speaking and listening in order to prepare for a speaking and listening exam.  Each class will focus on a certain topic such as life in the UK, different cultures, work, technology, health and enjoyment. You will focus on: asking and answering basic questions in present simple, present continuous (and common past simple forms) about simple everyday topics and personal information talking about simple everyday topics e.g. the home, family life, friends describing objects and pictures using simple adjectives  listening for simple details in short basic recordings learning a lot of basic words and their correct spelling   

How will I be taught and assessed? Will there be any work outside the class? 

The course is classroom based and online. You will learn in a supportive and welcoming environment with an emphasis on your discovering how to do and complete tasks, with guidance from the tutor.  You will work on your own and with other students on different tasks so you are always practising important in-demand life and work skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, prioritising, negotiating, collaborating and independence. You will learn in a step by step manner so you can complete challenging tasks in enjoyable and relaxing ways. Your tutor will also work with you individually so you know how to improve and how to work in a way that improves your learning.  You will be expected to do homework regularly. At the end of the course you can take the Ascentis Skills for Life exams covering speaking and listening.  

Are there any other costs or equipment I need to get? 

You will need a pen, some lined A4 paper and a file to keep your work in. Your tutor will provide handouts and worksheets and let you know if there are any other resources that you might need to get.  

What will I achieve?  

By the end of the course you should be able to: use your English to do everyday tasks such as shopping, travelling, talking to friends and work colleagues  pass the Ascentis English ESOL Entry 1speaking and listening exam  ask and answering basic questions in present simple, present continuous (and common past simple forms) about simple everyday topics and personal information  talk about simple everyday topics e.g. the home, family life, friends describe objects and pictures using simple adjectives  listen for simple details in short basic recordings  use and spell correctly a lot of basic words  

When I finish, what should I be able to do next? 

There are few courses you can do after this course. These include:  
• ESOL entry 1 – writing  
• ESOL entry 1- reading 

Register your interest

The course is FREE if you meet certain criteria. 

We only charge a deposit fee of £5, which will be returned on successful completion of the course 

Any questions? Email us at or call 020 8962 5741