ESOL Literacy Speaking & Listening – Pre Entry


Gillian Wray

Start date:

September 16, 2023

End date:

December 9, 2023




10:30 - 13:00


12 weeks



What is the course about? 

This course will give you confidence using English for work, study and socialising. 

You will develop your everyday conversations, asking and answering questions using different tenses. You will practise speaking fluently on common topics such as living in the UK using different tenses – present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, present perfect and future forms – with a good degree of accuracy.  

You will work on your vocabulary and practise understanding everyday conversations and short recordings. 

Is a pre-enrolment interview or assessment required for this course? 

Yes, you will need to do a pre-course assessment to establish your level of English before enrolling onto the course.  

What level is the course and do I require particular skills, experience or prior qualifications? 

This is a Pre-entry course and it is ideal for you if you can ask and answer questions on personal information, routines, likes and dislikes, use present simple and past simple, and write short paragraphs.   

What topics does the course cover?

You will practise speaking and listening. Each class will focus on a certain topic such as life in the UK, daily routine, healthy living, jobs, shopping, transport and different cultures.  We will focus on: talking about simple everyday topics e.g. the home, family life, friends describing objects and pictures using simple adjectives  listening for simple details in short basic recordings  finding information in notices, simple adverts, forms and texts learning a lot of basic words and their correct spelling.

How will I be taught and assessed?

Will there be any work outside the class? You will learn in a supportive and welcoming environment.  The tutor will help you discover rules and features of English. There will be lots of practice. There will be speaking and listening, reading and writing, with different activities and games as well as YouTube videos and other recordings.  You will work in pairs or small groups, and sometimes as a whole class.  Your tutor will also work with you individually. Everything that you learn will help you in your daily life. You will need to do some homework every week   

Are there any other costs or equipment I need to get? 

You will need a pen, some lined A4 paper and a file to keep your work in. Your tutor will provide handouts and worksheets and let you know if there are any other resources that you might need to get.  

What will I achieve? 

By the end of the course you should be able to: use your English to do everyday tasks such as shopping, travelling, talking to friends and work colleagues  ask and answering basic questions in present simple  describe objects and pictures using simple adjectives  listen for simple details in short basic recordings  use and spell correctly a lot of basic words   

When I finish, what should I be able to do next? 

There are few courses you can do after this course. These include:  
• ESOL Pre-entry – writing  
• ESOL Pre-entry – reading

Register your interest

The course is FREE if you meet certain criteria. Apply here.

Any questions? Email us at or call 020 8962 5741