Ascentis ESOL Award in Speaking and Listening: Level 2



Start date:

September 17, 2024

End date:

December 13, 2024


Tuesdays, Thursdays & Friday


09:30 - 12:30 / 9:30 - 14:00


12 weeks


Level 2

This course will help you develop the English you need to participate actively and at a high level in UK life both at home, with friends and at work. You will improve your English communication skills with a focus on Speaking & Listening to take the Ascentis English Speaking and Listening Level 2 exam at the end of the course.  

The course will support in building your range of language-vocabulary and structures-by studying a range of different topics. 

Is a pre-enrolment interview or assessment required for this course? 

You will need have done an initial assessment before enrolling on the course, and will undergo a Diagnostic Assessment at the start of your course. 

What level is the course and do I require particular skills, experience or prior qualifications? 

This is a Level 2 course and it is not suitable for beginners. It is ideal for you if you are a competent user of English but now wish to refine it and be more accurate and precise and fluent in your Speaking and Listening skills.  

What topics does the course cover? 

 You will practise speaking and listening in order to prepare for the exam. Each class will focus on a certain topic such as the news, current affairs, music, sports, employment, or cultural values. You will focus on:  

  • becoming fluent in exchanging views on a range of topics such as the news, culture, the media, politics, relationships and work  
  • developing your presentation skills so you can prepare and give coherent, well-structured talks across a range of topics using effective introductions and conclusions  
  • pronunciation of individual sounds and how to stress effectively  
  • increasing your vocabulary to enable you to talk and write about complex issues with a richness of meaning  
  • identifying details in conversations and spoken narratives across a range of topics and types of discourse

What will I achieve? 

By the end of this course you should be able to: 

    • use your English to participate actively and confidently and to a high level at home, in the street and at work # 
    • pass the English Speaking & Listening exam at Level 2 
    • be fluent in exchanging views on a range of topics such as the news, culture, the media, politics, relationships and work  
    • prepare and give a coherent, well-structured presentation using notes across a range of topics using effective introductions and conclusions  
    • pronounce all individual English sounds with good accuracy and stress/unstress effectively  
    • talk and write about complex issues with a richness of vocabulary  
    • identify details in conversations and spoken narratives across a range of topics and types of discourse

How will I be taught and assessed? Will there be any work outside the class? 

You will learn in a supportive and welcoming environment with an emphasis on your discovering how to do and complete tasks, with guidance from the tutor. You will work on your own and with other students on different tasks so you are always practising important in-demand life and work skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, prioritising, negotiating, collaborating and independence. You will learn in a step by step manner so you can complete challenging tasks in enjoyable and relaxing ways. Your tutor will also work with you individually so you know how to improve and how to work in a way that improves your learning. You will need to do work outside the classroom.

Are there any other costs or equipment I need to get? 

You will need a pen, some lined A4 paper and a file to keep your work in. Your tutor will provide handouts. Your tutor will let you know if you need to get any other resources 

By the end of the course what should I be able to do? 

There are courses you can do after this course. These are: 

  • Ascentis ESOL level 2 Writing 
  • Ascentis ESOL Level 2 Reading  

Register your interest

The course is FREE if you meet certain criteria. 

We only charge a deposit fee of £5, which will be returned on successful completion of the course 

Any questions? Email us at or call 020 8962 5741