Parents Fayre Feedback

Parents' Fayre Feedback

Parents' Fayre Feedback

Thank you to everyone who helped with or attended the first Parents' Fayre, organised by the Westway Trust. We want to ensure lessons are learnt from this trial event and any similar, future activities reflect these learnings. Thank you for your time and contribution.


What was your role in this project?
What were you responsible for doing in this project?

Thinking about your responsibilities, what went well and what could have improved?

0 of 200 max words
0 of 200 max words

Please rate the following from 1 to 10.  1 being very poor/ extremely disagree and 10 being excellent/ extremely agree.

From your experience of this trial project, please tell us:

0 of 200 max words
0 of 200 max words
Are there specific months in the year which are better times to have a Parents' Fayre?
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Westway Trust 2024