Westway Trust Announces Launch of Transformation Grants Programme in North Kensington

Initiative aims to address systemic injustices affecting the communities of North Kensington

Westway Trust, a community-based charity in North Kensington, London, is now embarking on an ambitious programme of transformational grants, addressing pressing issues around social justice in North Kensington. With grants of up to £70,000, our Transformation Grants programme which will be delivered over a period of 3-4 years aims to create a meaningful and lasting impact to communities in North Kensington, for broad-based, systemic social change.  Westway Trust has committed £450,000 over four years to build on this first tranche of funding.

A thematic approach: Social Justice

With a broad focus on addressing themes of social justice in North Kensington, these grants prioritise programmes that seek fairness, equity, inclusion and self-determination for communities in North Kensington. "North Kensington Youth Festival which was funded by Westway Trusts Celebrations and Events Grant." In addition to financial support, successful applicants will benefit from capacity-building activities, workshops, and one-on-one support to ensure the sustainability and impact of their projects.

Eligible applicants include community groups, social enterprises, and charitable organisations with a track record of delivering programmes of social change at a similar scale. The application process is designed to be accessible and straightforward, with detailed guidelines available on the Westway Trust website.

Venu Dhupa, Chief Executive of Westway Trust, stated,

"Grants of this nature don’t come along very often, the Trust wants to enable organisations to make a meaningful impact on systemic challenges.  This is why we have put aside a substantial amount over a sustained period. We know how hard it is to achieve transformation so I hope that we will receive imaginative and well evidenced responses to the issues faced by the communities of North Kensington."

For more information about the Transformation Grants programme please refer to westway.org/grants/transformation-grants