Young Futures aims to support local employers to develop high-quality, entry level employment opportunities for local young people. We can provide up to £4,114 to support employers to provide full-time or part-time roles. We can be flexible as to the nature of the employer’s business.


Previously we have awarded funding to support a Festival Trainee Event and Marketing Assistant at Portobello Live; a Theatre Administrator at Intermission Theatre; a Projects Assistant within RBKCs Arts Service; an Outreach and Workshop Assistant at SPID Theatre Company; a Digital Administrative Assistant with The Hip Hop Shakespeare Company; and a Creative Futures Activities and Events Intern at Age UK RBKC.

Over the last two years we have worked with employers to create 20 new apprenticeship and internships. The Trust has been able to support local young people to gain a qualification and skills and access jobs mainly within the creative industry, as well as providing support to those employers.

When to apply

Young Futures is currently open for applications until Sunday 31 March 2019.

Who can apply?

  1. We welcome applications from employers based in RBKC, Westminster, Hammersmith and Fulham or Brent.
  2. We particularly welcome applications from employers in the charity sector or creative industries.

Who Must Benefit?

The young employee must live within North Kensington (wards of Dalgarno, Notting Dale, Colville, Golborne or St Helens)

What are we looking for?

This programme aims to support employers who:

  1. Can demonstrate they are generating a new and ‘entry-level’ role within the organisation
  2. Can demonstrate that the role includes on-the-job training, support from the employer, career development opportunities, a variety of responsibilities and opportunities to gain insight into the creative sector
  3. Are committed to pay the London Living Wage or more
  4. Are committed to employing young people aged 17-24 who live within North Kensington
  5. Will undertake an open and fair recruitment process.

How much can you apply for?

Employers can apply for a maximum of £4,114 per opportunity.

At least 50% match funding must be provided by the employer, or from elsewhere.

Employers may be looking for funding for full or part-time posts.

Westway funding covers direct employment costs only.

The following chart gives you an example of how this can work, based on London Living Wage of £10.55 per hour.

10 hours a week
15 hours a week
30 hours a week
Cost per six month opportunity
Westway contribution

Cost per 12 month opportunity
Westway contribution

How will decisions be made?

We are looking for a variety of employers who can demonstrate they meet the aims of the programme as set out above.

Acknowledging the Grant

Successful applicants are required to acknowledge the grant by using the Westway Trust logo on all publicity materials.

Terms & conditions

  • Employers must be based in the Westway area of benefit (RBKC, H&F, Westminster and Brent).
  • The employer is satisfied that on application the employee lives within North Kensington.
  • Employers must be able to assure the Trust that this is a new opportunity.
  • The employee must be aged 17-24 when they apply for the role.
  • Employers must offer the opportunity at the London Living Wage or more.
  • This funding will cover direct employment costs ONLY. This does not include training, or other costs to the employer.
  • The employer takes responsibility for recruitment.
  • The employer will attend one or two progress meetings per annum and host one ‘meet up’ for other employees.
  • The employer will encourage, and facilitate their employee to attend training sessions.
  • The employer must keep Westway up to date.They must inform Westway Trust of the vacancy as soon as it is live, inform Westway Trust as soon as it is filled,
  • Provide Westway Trust with the name, address, email and phone number of the employee.
  • We will be working with an external evaluator to monitor the impact of the programme – employers and employees must complete all evaluation and monitoring requirements prior to the release of funding.
  • Employers to provide a copy of their safeguarding policy.

Repayment of Grant

Under certain circumstances, we may ask for a grant to be repaid either in part or whole. These circumstances will vary but may include the following:

  • The organisation ceases to operate, is declared bankrupt, or is placed into liquidation or receivership.
  • The organisation fails to use the grant for the purpose for which it was obtained.
  • The organisation fails to recruit an employee living within the area of benefit.
  • The organisation fails to comply with the conditions of the grant.
  • The application form was completed fraudulently, incorrectly or misleadingly.
  • The organisation acts in a manner that is fraudulent or negligent at any time during the period of the grant.

For more details, or any questions please contact