Member Organisations are vitally important to the work of Westway Trust.

Not only do they have a formal role in electing three of our 12 trustees and voting on important matters at our annual general meeting, but also our Member Organisations are one of the first places we turn to provide input to our strategic plans. The relationship we have with our Member Organisations also informs much of our other work and Member Organisations are often involved in delivering projects that we support.

Our Member Organisations also have the opportunity to:

  • Attend group meetings about our strategic direction and major projects every six months
  • Give early input in to upcoming proposals; help us to co-design developments; and co-produce projects
  • Take part in consultation sessions where we bring local people together to develop plans focused on particular problems such as the environment or local social issues
  • Work in partnership with us to deliver projects, seek funding, and host activities on the estate

It’s free to become a member, and we welcome all applications. Membership comes with a number of opportunities and responsibilities. Please review your responsibilities before applying to become a member.
Organisation Category
Ubuntu Pledge
The Hip-Hop Shakespeare Company
The Learning Club Community Association
Young People
Swinbrook Residents' Association
Residents' Association
Silchester Residents' Association
Residents' Association
Notting Hill Carnival Pioneers
Community group
Association of Egyptian Nubian Community in the UK
Community group
Bramley House Residents' Association
Residents' Association
Dalgarno Supplementary School
Young People, Education
Children & Parents Carnival Association
Arts, Young People
Mo1 Youths
Young People
Hassan Brighton CIC
Neeya CIC
The Space - Supporting people and community empowerment
Community group
Grenfell Tower Trust
Lancaster West United Football Club
Lancaster West Residents Association
Residents' Association
Trellick Tower Residents' Association
Residents' Association
Tavistock Crescent Residents' Association
Residents' Association
Swinbrook Residents' Association
Residents' Association
St Helen's Residents Association
Residents' Association
Gloucester Reminiscence Group
St Antonio's Ethiopian Refugee Women's Empowerment Group
Slichester Estate Residents' Association