***Applications have now closed. To receive alerts when we launch our grants programmes, please subscribe to our mailing list. ***
One of the most impactful ways we support grassroots community groups is through free and subsidised football pitch use, in partnership with our sports centre operator, Everyone Active. As part of our operational agreement with Everyone Active, we are able to allocate a limited number of football pitch hours to local community groups who are able to demonstrate a positive social impact through their use of the pitches.
Community groups and organisations based in North Kensington are now welcome to apply for subsidised pitch use for a 12-month period, from 1 April 2025 - 31 March 2026.
Applicants will be assessed on the following criteria:
- Diversity of beneficiaries
- Positive social impact that would come from subsidised pitch use
- Your organisation's track record in delivering community/sports programmes
Important information about your application:
- Please note that our grants review panel will consider only the information contained in your application. For this reason, please ensure you provide as much information in your application as you feel is necessary for the panel to reach an informed decision.
- There is typically a large demand from community groups for football pitch space, and it is likely that we will be unable to accommodate all requests. Here is a list of all successful applicants from 2024.
- The maximum that can be granted will be two hours of pitch time per organisation, on a 5-a-side pitch, once a week. Additional hours, or a larger pitch size, may be purchased directly from Everyone Active.
- In your application, you will be asked to identify three deliverables from your organisation's use of the pitch space. It is these deliverables that your organisation's social impact will be measured against, should your application be successful.
Key dates:
9am, Monday 03 February 2025 - applications open
9am, Friday 28 February 2025 - applications close
Thursday 6 March 2025 - panel meets to review applications
Monday 10 March 2025 - outcomes sent to all applicants
Please contact our Grants Administrator at grants@westway.org if you have any questions or require assistance completing the form.