Festival of African and Caribbean Entrepreneurship
We are excited to announce an inspiring initiative to support people in the local community develop their entrepreneurial skills. This initiative will support entrepreneurs to feel prepared to make the next step with their business, being that employing people, finding finance, going digital or fine-tuning marketing strategies.
Our initiative includes:
- Subsidised market stalls on Podobello, for at least 4 months (100% reduction on rental). A colourful gazebo with market stall, opposite the pods, will be available on Fridays and Sundays. There could also be additional days for special events or in the evenings when the pods are also open. Free rental, a £25 deposit required to secure your place.
- Subsidised pods on Podobello, for at least 6 months (approximately a 75% reduction on rental). A vibrant array of pod units located between Ladbroke Grove and Portobello Road. these are retail units which will be open Fridays, Saturday and Sundays, with the aim of being a retail destination. The single pods are 83 square feet or 100 square feet, costing £120 per month. The double pods are 166 square feet and is charged at £240 per month.
- Micro units, for at least 6 months. These purpose-built, first floor micro units are situated in a key location on Portobello Road. The multi-purpose units are suitable for storage or meeting rooms. They range in size from 59 square feet to 114 square feet £160 - £260+ per month, dependent on size of unit and service charge amount
- Training to develop and/or grow the business. This course will offer training and support, once a week, for 4 months. The units taught will include: branding and marketing, customer service, finances, writing a business plan, technology and risk assessing.
These spaces are ideal for different stages of your business. For example:
- If you want a market stall to test your new products, on Fridays and Sundays;
- You may be ready for a more regular retail space in a vibrant pod, on Podobello
- The micro units on Acklam Road a re suitable as office, for small group activities or storage.
Westway Trust is aiming in particular to support underrepresented groups in business, as research shows that Black, Asian and other Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups, women and disabled entrepreneurs face additional barriers when starting a new business or operating an existing one.
Help with completing the application form
If you need support completing this form, we have appointments you can book. Please phone our reception on 0208962 5720 to book a space.
Viewing dates of micro units
It is strongly advised to visit the micro units and see the various sizes, prices and options. Please be aware the micro units will become available at different points during the next 6 months. There are currently 7, of the 11, micro units available. Please book your space using one of the links below:
- Thursday 4th August 2022, 10am - 12pm
- Saturday 6th August 2022, 11am - 1pm
- Friday 12th August 2022, 2pm - 4pm
Selection Process
This initiative will be publicised to the North Kensington community from Friday 29th July and the closing date for applications will be on Sunday 14th August, at midnight.
There has been a high demand in the past, which means we are unlikely to be able to offer a space to everyone who applies. A panel will review all applications and shortlist eligible applicants. Due diligence (necessary checks) will then be processed on this shortlist of applicants. A scoring method will be used to apply an unbiased method of selecting applicants who will be offered a space and training through this initiative.
The Westway Trust will keep a waiting list (this will be in order of scores) for those who were unable to be initially offered a space. They will be contacted if a space becomes available. They will also be contacted if there are any additional spaces available on the training courses.